In September at Koji Flower, we will make Shoyu (soy sauce)koji.
No, not that kind the rice koji is soaked in soy sauce.
We’ll be making koji for real Shoyu (soy sauce).
This workshop is recommended for people who have basic knowledge of making rice koji.
If you are not interested in making Shoyu koji, but interested in making Shoyu using already made Shoyu koji,
we are here for you too!
We will connect our koji advisor with you and they will be making Shoyu koji for you.
Once you’ve gotten a package of Shoyu koji, you are ready to prepare Shoyu on your own.
We will be connected through the Facebook group page for a year until you harvest your Shoyu.
For this time of the year, as this is my 2nd time having a Shoyu making class, I would like to suggest a 6 months shorter fermentation of making Shoyu. Once you’re used to making Shoyu koji and if you would like to prepare more, let’s do it during winter. This is called ‘kan shikomi'(preparing during the cold/winter season).
The Zoom lecture for making Shoyu koji and preparing Shoyu will be on:
Sep 16 2021 at 9:30pm(EST)
Sep 16 2021 at 6:30pm(PST)
Sep 17 2021 at 10:30am(Japan time)
The Zoom lecture is going to be recorded so that you can review it later.
All of the textbook is available in the Facebook group page, however, if you prefer not to use Facebook, I can email all of the textbook information. We’ll connect through Homepege comments as well.
I will ask all participants to create a report on how your shoyu koji making + Shoyu making is going.
Everyone can follow other people’s progress by going through their reports. This is quite useful to see how other people are working with it.
Let’s make the ‘traditional Japanese Shoyu’ while touching and feeling the Japanese culture.
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