Koji flowers have bloomed
Early Japanese people used this expression when they successfully made beautiful koji.
The Chinese character of ’糀’ (米=koji, 花=flower) is originated in Japan, and encompasses the feelings of the Japanese people when they look at the beautiful koji.
Our culture has been created through a mixture of unique climates and varied lifestyles, and ways of thinking combined with our traditions of customs and beliefs.
Koji has grown alongside, and influenced the rich Japanese culture. I am delighted that the koji culture is being shared all around the world.
What I would like to share with you is more than just koji, a fermented food but also the health benefits of incorporating these traditional foods and cooking techniques into day-to-day life.
These little guys are truly alive. Tasty beautiful koji is life itself. The world of microbes is the universe itself.
I hope you will reflect what the koji has taught you. Allow it to combine with your own cultural, microbial background, and continue to grow in your culinary word, and in yourself. I would like to plant the seed into the heart of everyone.
Someday, the seed sprouts and grows as your own, blooming beautiful flowers in the future
私は、The Koji Academy 麹の学校にて学習後、麹の学校認定講師として活動をしております。
海外に住んでいるからこそ見えてきた、大切にしなくてはいけない日本の風習や文化など伝えたいことが 沢山あります。海外在住の日本人の皆さん、海外産まれの日本の血を引く子供達や家族に伝えていきたいのはもちろんの事、このサイトを通じて 日本に居ると近すぎてどうしても気づかない、皆さんの周りに当たり前のように存在しているとても大事なことを、
About Shiori
Lives in Toronto, Canada
Born in Fukuoka, Japan
Certified Koji Specialist
Registered Acupuncturist
Immigrated to Toronto with her family and has been living here for more than 10 years.
Mother of 3 boys.
She has been organizing ‘Hidamari Club’, a mom’s group with her friends since 2009. All of the events and workshops at Hidamari club are family-friendly. Their goal is to develop a place where Japanese families help each other and aim to be a place where moms shine by sharing their knowledge while raising their children.
She started holding vegetarian cooking classes, miso and koji related classes as part of Hidamari Club activity for the past 9 years.
She became an acupuncturist, as well as a Certified Koji Specialist. These two fields don’t seem related, but they are inseparable. She would like to work on how to see the whole, not only the part, of a philosophy behind Japanese acupuncture and koji. Also she would like to embrace Japanese culture, and hand down these important and beautiful art-like skills correctly to the next generation
自己紹介 / Shiori