Thanks for those of you who participate today’s Zoom event!
It was so much fun!
Again, if you have any question, please feel free to ask me anytime!
I look forward seeing you again somewhere at the
online class: https://kojiflower.eeeagency.com/2021/02/koji-flower-online-class-yearly-program/
or Japanese Koji Fermentation Village :https://www.facebook.com/groups/japanesekojivillage
or instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kojiflowershiori/
or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shiori.kajiwara.921/
Here is the Recording of Today’s zoom:
Let’s try to make your own Miso, and let me know how it went!
I would like to hear your voice!
It’s important to hear from you so that I can improve my event for next time.
You can write either in English or Japanese.
Even you didn’t attend the zoom lecuture, still I would like to hear how you felt about this event.
Thank you very much in advace for your cooperation !!
Below is the information I shared before the event.
Free Mugi Miso Making Event
Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 4:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time EST) in North America
Platform: Zoom
For those of you who have ordered barley koji from the Koji Advisors, you know your koji advisors already.
If you have any questions or concerns, please ask your Koji Advisors!
They will be more than happy to help you out.
If you don’t know any Koji Advisor, please reach out to me, Shiori.
For those of you who chose “I will buy (or make) it by myself” when you fill in the registration form,
I haven’t contacted you because I believe you can make Barley koji by yourself or you know where to go to buy barley koji by yourself.
If you still need a help to get Barley koji, please let me know by e-mail: kojiflowershiori@gmail.com
Here is the recipe
Chickpea Barley Miso is actually not that common in Japan. But, I chose chickpeas this time because they are much easier to boil than soybeans. Also chickpeas makes a very sweet miso. Furthermore, the amount of Koji in this recipe is pretty high… I’m sure it will be pretty rich and sweet!
chickpeas (dried) 100 g
barley koji 400 g
Salt 52g
Chickpea broth – 150cc (+ add salt 12g)
◎Chickpea broth is the soup when you boil chickpea. Do not throw away the broth when you boil the chickpea, please save them for later.
◎Make sure to scale the amount of ‘dried’ chickpeas
◎Any type of Salt is fine. That being said, fine salt would be better than coarse salt.
Tools you need on the day of
–A pot to boil chickpeas. We are only using a small amount (100g), you don’t need a big pot. Boil the chickpeas with enough water!
–A Bowl for mixing ingredients. This is also a small amount, less than 1 kg, so there is no need for you to prepare a very large bowl.
-Tools for mashing chickpeas I use food processor, and it’ll be done in a second. If you don’t have a food processor, try a potato masher, meat mincer, or put them in a thick plastic bag and crush them with your weight.
-A jar / containers I use 1L mason jars, which are common in here. Tupperware or any kind of container should be fine too. Please choose a 1L (or larger is fine too) container
Optional useful tools if you have it.
–Vodka spray bottle
Buy vodka or other liquors with at least 40% alcohol content at a liquor store and put them in a spray bottle. This could a convenient alternative for those who cannot sterilize tools by boiling. If you don’t have a spray bottle, you can pour a small amount of vodka directly into the container, spread it around, and throw it away (or even drink!?) the excess vodka.
Things to do the day before the event
–Make Shiokiri koji ( a combination of barley koji and salt).
It is convenient to put barley koji and salt in a plastic bag and shake it. Keep it in the refrigerator.
–Wash the chickpeas
Rremove any damaged ones or ones that have changed colour, and soak them in water, which is 3-4 times the amount chickpeas. Let them soak in water at least overnight.
About an hour before Zoom starts on the day of the event
-Start boiling chickpeas.
1. Discard the soaked water.
2. Put new water and chickpeas in the pot and bring to a boil.
3.Once it’s boiling, keep the heat steady at a little less than medium-low.
Make sure to boil about 30min to 1 hours, until the chickpea become very soft.
If you have a pressure cooker, it will be easier and quicker.
At the start of the Zoom.
Get ready with
-boiled chickpeas,
-Barley koji mixed with salt in a plastic bag
-chickpea broth mixed with salt
(plus any tools you might need)

You can download and use this document that I made with Nakaji,
Here is the Zoom link!
Topic: Mugi(barley) Miso Making Event!
Time: Mar 19, 2022 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 7514 9049
Passcode: 885782
About ZOOM
This ZOOM will not be live-streamed and it will not be recorded.
We would like to see the faces of the participants on the ZOOM when we work together so we would like to encourage everyone to turn the camera on!
I understand that some of you may not want to be on camera.
Don’t worry, I will not be distributing the recording later.
However, I will show you a demo of how to make Miso, and I will cut out only that part of the demo (which will not include your faces) and to distribute it later. Please use the recorded video as a reference and try making your own.
That’s all for today.
If you have anyquestion, don’t hesitete to contact me!
Shiori Kajiwara
Koji Flower, The Koji Academy Canada
The Centre for Japanese Acupuncture
Last updated 2022.Mar 19 (Sat)