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麹本 ~Koji For Life ~
Witten by Nakaji
Latest book written by Nakaji, Shiori’s koji teacher. Sold only in Japan.
This book, written in both Japanese and English, explains how to make koji in a kitchen environment without using special tools.
Koji is getting popular in the Western World. It’s wonderful to see that non-Japanese people are coming up with a totally unique ways of using Koji that Japanese people might not come up with.
At the same time, I believe it’s important to know the traditional way of making koji and knowing how the ancient Japanese people develop this beautiful culture in order to survive. Their life always related to the microbial world, and they controlled well without any notice.
I will use this book as a textbook for my Koji making class and I’m sure this book is good for everyone who wants to know more about Koji and it’s lifestyle.
There is a list of QR codes to access the Youtube videos so that you can check the movement that he explained in a book.
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