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Let’s make Miso together!

New!!! Online Making Miso Class At your kitchen

Finally, I am going to open an online class on how to make Miso!
This class will going to run on Facebook. However, I would like to also try to accept people who doesn’t have Facebook. And so, please let me know who doesn’t own an account.

Here are 4 benefits of taking this class: 

1. Facebook group page – You can find all of the instructions that you will need on the Facebook’s group page. It will have lectures regarding, how to make Miso, the history, the kind, and couple ideas on how to use Miso.

  You can use this page as your textbook.

2. Creating a report to make miso – (Instruction on “how to create your report” will be provided)
I will follow up on your report to make sure that you are on the right track to make Miso.  

3. Always connected with an Instructor – you can ask questions anytime!
We will make Miso together, on the same day. Also, I will be there to support you make Miso.

4. You will be permitted to have access to the group page until June 31, 2020 – I will support you until your miso is done.

If you would like to start something new,
If you have been thinking to try koji fermentation,
If you are looking for a more efficient way to spend your quarantine,

This class is for you!
Let’s also have your kids to help making Miso!

To register, please email me(Shiori):

Group page opens on: May 18, 2020 
Make Miso on: May 23, 2020
Checking of Miso after one month: June 23, 2020
Fee: $60

Here’s what you’ll need to make Miso:
– Soybeans
– Rice koji
– salt

I hope you’ll be able to find these ingredients easily.
If you live in Toronto or close to Toronto, I may be able to deliver soybeans and Rice koji that I made.

Even if you live far from Toronto, I will help you to get koji and soybeans as much as possible.

I look forward to seeing you all!

Shiori Kajiwara
Certified Koji Specialist
